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Innovative Solutions

BumpIT protective products reduce the mutilation of parts during WIP handling, assembly and temporary storage. We cover assembly surfaces, machinery, WIP strike points, racks, carts and more.

DIY products add surface-friendly protection to areas where there is the potential for parts to be damaged on contact.
No matter the protective surface requirement, we have you covered.


Protective Surfaces

Upgrade your machinery and assembly surfaces to guard against accidental scratches, scuffs and gouges. BumpIT pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA) backed products add Class A surface quality and padded protection for fixed applications.

BumpIT laminates are durable and wipeable. Our products provide mutilation protection and enhance surfaces including assembly tops, stands, racks, and WIP machinery. Padding is available in 3mm and 6mm foam thickness.

We offer a variety of surface materials that are paint friendly and cushioned, as well as wear products to manage your protection requirements. Our adhesive backed laminates allow easy bonding to metal, foam, plastic and painted surfaces.


About Next Generation

Next Generation Products offers protective solutions to reduce automotive part handling damage. We design and produce innovative laminate and finished products of value to parts producers, rack manufacturers, sequence centres, and OEM assembly facilities.

We focus on serving customers with high quality, cost-saving product solutions. Our systems pay for themselves by reducing WIP handling damage concerns.


Why use Next Generation Products?

1. Our systems pay for themselves by reducing part mutilation issues.

2. They improve your quality control as the improvements are appreciated by your employees and customers. This improves your piece rate output, reduces parts rejected, reduces your storage footprint and all of the associated costs.

3. Most importantly, they demonstrate to your customers your investments in continuous improvements and the importance you place on their needs.



Our Processes

Take a Look at How We Operate


  • Laminate dissimilar plastics, foams, films and textiles using PSA tape.
  • Adhesives, with release paper, for quick and easy bonding to any surface.


  • High pressure water jet system for providing efficient and precise cutting.
  • Rough out or smooth out all surfaces.
  • Create custom shapes using XPLE Foam.


Industrial Sewing

  • Automated CAM cutting for repeat patterns.
  • High or low volume orders available.
  • Single and double needle stitching.


  • Mold textiles into customizable shapes to suit specific needs.
  • Plastic molding technique that involves heating materials into a pliable state.

Our story

Next Generation Products Ltd. has a long history in supplying protective solutions to customers. Since 1996 we have been at the forefront in pioneering industrial textile design and supplying OEM approved, industry leading returnable packaging fabrics to Tier 1 & 2 automotive parts manufacturers in support of their Just-In-Time (JIT) shipment requirements.

Today, our in-house CAM/CAD design, lamination, CNC cutting, thermoforming and industrial stitching, capabilities have provided us with the tools to take your protective solution products from concept to reality.